lundi 8 octobre 2007

Reading journal #3

Hills like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway

A story full of symbols, I'll try to interpret one of them which is the title. Let' s go!

"Hills like White Elephants":
White elephants, mountains, belly, pregnant women, we can surely see the link between the round form of the hills and the women's belly being pregnant. Then, I could say that the color white symbolizes the innocence and purity of her unborn child. Seing the fields around, we could also interprete it as the fertility that permited her to have a baby. In another point of view, a white elephant is something that wont work, wont be alive successfully, a littel like the baby if she's being aborted.

I found it funny because I could not have imagine the ending this way, I mean talking about abortion all way long. It's only when someone told me that I founded it maked sense, but I kept asking myself if it could have been something else the author was talking about and what could it be applied to? At first, I tought they were talking about plastic surgery, then, about commiting a crime ar not. It could also be as simple as hidin g something. Maybe it was something really absurd, without sense and we're making something big out of it...
Who knows?

Well,well,well, so many questions in my head, I'll finish my Reading journal asking myself all those questions...imagine the repercussions!

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