mardi 28 août 2007

Who's Michelle Bouchard?

Also known as Mimi, Michelle Bouchard was born in a little village named St-Eustache.
Yet she was out of her mother's belly, she stammered her ultimate goal which was to go on every continent of our beautiful and hudge purple earth.....
How will she do? Where will she get the money? Whith whom will she go? What language will she have to talk? What kind of person will she become? What skills will she develop? What will her interests be?
I, Kumbalawé Mana couroulimé, interviewing our famous Mimi, succeded to have a few answers to all those complicated questions.
I know you're anxious to know what she brightly answered.........suspense,suspense!
Don't worry, I will give you some scoops on this marvelous girl who's is now only 17 years old.
Believe or not, she whistles as a bird in an instrument called the flute.
Sportive, reader and known as "the network person", she's the best at helping people and organizing them.
In short, Michelle is an unique person that you would like to be friend with!

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