mardi 11 septembre 2007

Reading journal #1

Text: "The Lady or The tiger?" by Stockton

Love or jealousy?

That is the question.
My romantic side would say to hold on to love and to believe in it eyes closed.
My realistic side would based his decision on the fact that the human race is egocentric.
I'll explain myself now:
Once, I read something in a book called "The opening of the conscience". Don't ask me why I was reading this book......... So, I was saying that, the author, proclaimed that there were two kinds of egoism; one was healthy and the other insane. The first one was considerated as normal, it's also when you help without waiting for something in exchange. The other one was the one to describe the manipulative side of our person, wether it's done counsciously or not.

To apply this theory to "The Lady or The Tiger" written by Stockton, we could ask ourselves if the Lady was practicing the bad or the good egoism when she took the decision to send or not to send her lover to death. To answer this question, we could, as readers, think about what we would have done.........Are you a bad barbaric girl or a nice little innocent Lady? In my opinion, I would say it deppens on the day....and on the nature of my emotions toward my lover.
If I'm to attached to him, maybe I'll kill him and then kill myself after realizing what I have done, or I could let him live and then commit suicide because I'm too sad not to be whit him.
If I'm more tolerant and ready to do anything for him to be happy and alive (What would correspond more to the definition of "LOVE".), I would only care about seeing him alive not wondering if he's married whith another woman.
In a way or in another, as a human, I would be tortured by my feelings and the decision to take considering all of them.
And you, where would you send your lover?

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